Corporate movie

CEJN corporate movie
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CEJN corporate movie


In 1955, Carl Erik Josef Nyberg (C.E.J.N.) designed and patented a revolutionary quick connect coupling that overcame many of the shortcomings of previous designs. It dramatically simplified handling and provided reliable, efficient connections.

Following World War II, compressed air was increasingly used as an energy source for pneumatic tools and equipment. Leaking and inefficient couplings were a common problem, and one also experienced by our founder Carl, who struggled to keep up with his hourly piece-work as a tool grinder at the Royal Armour Regiment. Right from birth Carl had the mind of an inventor and he set out to invent a new, improved coupling. This new product became the basis for a large part of CEJN’s modern range of products as well as the starting point for our global growth.

Our design is based on small external and large internal dimensions. Ever since Carl invented that first coupling, patented in 1955, we have been expanding our product lines, from compressed air initially to now include and cover media such as breathing air, hydraulic oil and fluids. We concentrate on developing innovative engineering solutions with a focus on safety as well as continuing to improve standard products and designing new ones. 

At CEJN, we are united by our five core values: safety, environment, quality, innovation and performance. They are our cornerstones and define who we are, how we work, what we believe in and what we stand for.

CEJN - The story: The history of CEJN
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CEJN The Story (ENG)

Core Values


Safety is vital to our business. It is not merely optional, but is essential to everything we do and we take responsibility for the safety of our customers and users. A safe work place is our top priority and we are not satisfied until our customers no longer have to choose between safety and high-performance products. Recent product launches and developments such as eSafe and the alert-ring on our Ultra High-Pressure couplings are proof of that.




Protecting the environment is essential to us and is something we take very seriously. Developing energy-efficient products is a matter of course for us, as this goes hand-in-hand with putting less pressure on the compressor. Spill-free products are another objective, to avoid contamination of the environment and hydraulic systems. Our Swedish production facilities are run on wind power and CEJN’s aim is to work in an as environmentally friendly way as possible. We implement an Environment Management System with ISO 14001 requirements as our minimum standard.


CEJN ISO Certificate.pdf



Environmental Policy

At CEJN AB we are committed to providing a quality service in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and minimises our potential impact on the environment in all of its business activities. We develop, manufacture and market Quick Connect Couplings, Plug-In Couplings, Automotive Products and related products for the international market. 

This Environmental Policy is valid for CEJN AB located in Skövde and Lönsboda, Sweden

  • We have a responsibility to the environment as we have to our customers, employees, owners and our society. 
  • We shall reduce our impact on the environment when it is ecologically motivated, technically possible and economically reasonable, and will work to create a sustainable development for present and future generations.
  • We shall comply with valid environmental legislation, work for continual improvements, establish, follow and further develop new environmental objectives and we shall aspire to incorporate environmentally friendly alternatives into our business methods and products whenever possible.
  • Our business practices shall meet the ISO 14001 requirements. 

This will be achieved by:

  • Special considerations of customer's requirements and expectations within the environmental field.
  • Developing an environmentally-conscious understanding and motivation among the workforce.
  • Developing new, environmentally friendly products to enhance our customers' possibilities to improve the environment.
  • Securing use of resource- and energy efficient operations through continual improvements including pollution prevention.
  • Following applicable laws and regulations in environmental legislation.
  • Observing environmental issues in supplier evaluation.
  • Openly displaying environmental facts.




Our goal is to deliver a high level of quality throughout the process, from raw material, product development and production to delivery and customer support. We put our customers first and strive to exceed their expectations. Our operations have been certified in accordance with the ISO 9001 quality management system standard since 1995. This prioritises, among other things, customer focus, employee commitment and continuous improvements. 

CEJN ISO Certificate.pdf




By unlocking the creativity of our staff and their interest in experimenting with new technologies we are constantly stretching the boundaries of what is possible. With six decades behind us and a number of different innovations in our arsenal, our global organisation remains one step ahead. This includes how we operate, the technologies we apply and our commercial approach. Innovation by performance.




Delivering products that provide a high level of performance is deeply rooted in our DNA, and was one of the reasons why the first CEJN coupling was designed. The surrounding world is constantly evolving, presenting us with new challenges every day, and that’s why flexibility is one of our guiding principles. We work closely with our customers during the development phase and guarantee to provide them with the best and safest performance products on the market. 


Sustainability report - CEJN

Sustainability report 2023

Download the latest sustainability report to read more about our ongoing work with sustainability.


  CEJN Sustainabilty Report 2023_EN.pdf


Today, the CEJN Group consists of one International Head Office, 17 sales offices and 5 production facilities, and has 700 employees worldwide. CEJN products are also sold and marketed by independent distributors. Find our closest distributor here.


CEJN International Head Office:

CEJN AB Skövde Sweden


CEJN Sales Offices:

CEJN AG Cham, Switzerland 
CEJN Australia PTY Limited Sydney, Australia
CEJN de Mexico S.A de C.V Monterrey, Mexico
CEJN Denmark Aps Esbjerg, Denmark
CEJN Do Brasil LTDA Curitiba, Brazil
CEJN France S.A.S Paris, France
CEJN Ibérica S.L. Barcelona, Spain
CEJN India Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore, India
CEJN Industrial Corporation Chicago, USA
CEJN Italy S.R.L. Milan, Italy
CEJN Japan Corporation Tokyo, Japan
CEJN Norden AB Skövde, Sweden
CEJN Product GmbH Troisdorf, Germany
CEJN Korea Corporation Seoul, Korea
CEJN Products Far East PTE LTD.  Singapore City, Singapore
CEJN Shanghai Fluid Systems CO LTD Shanghai, China
CEJN UK Ltd. Hereford, United Kingdom

Production Facilities:

CEJN AB Skövde, Sweden
CEJN AB Lönsboda, Sweden
CEJN Do Brasil LTDA. Curitiba, Brazil
CEJN Shanghai Fluid Systems CO LTD Shanghai, China
CEJN Industrial Corporation Chicago, USA
Map with CEJN sales offices

Business concept

CEJN is a leading global niche company with local presence providing innovative quick connect solutions, adding value and productivity to customer applications and processes.

CEJN is committed to high quality products with focus on performance, safety and environment, secured through own development and production in a spirit of continuous improvements of processes, technologies and products.

CEJN is an independent family owned business with its roots in Sweden since its start in 1955. CEJN is committed to maintaining its high standards of responsibility towards our customers, employees and the environment.