Multi-Link outlets

Vented safety

Compressed air manifolds with eSafe couplings

Technical data

Nominal flow diameter (mm) 5.3 - 7.6 mm (0.2 - 0.4 ")
Media Compressed air, neutral gas
Max working pressure (bar) 12 - 16 bar (174 - 232 PSI)
Min. burst pressure (bar) 48 - 64 bar (696 - 928 PSI)
Connection G 1/2"

Safe and organized workspace with compressed air multi-outlets with unrestricted flow

- powered by eSafe

The Multi-Link integrated quick connect couplings come in units of 1 to 5 outlets. The units can also easily be connected to create more access points. Ideal for uncluttering existing work areas or to create new flexible work stations. The integrated couplings provide flexibility and high performance, the design allows for a large number of outlets without restricting the flow with T-connections, bends or elbows. In combination with our high quality polyurethane hose it becomes a flexible high performance air distribution system.


Versatile units save both space, time and energy

  • Convenient access to the compressed air power source
  • High-performing eSafe safety couplings
  • 180-degree outlet independent swivel prevents hose kinking
  • Easier installation with fewer components to install

Get the job done faster and safer while saving energy

The eSafe quick couplings for compressed air are designed for safe operation with vented disconnection to avoid potential dangerous hose whipping effects and the high sound upon disconnection that too often is associated with compressed air. It's also designed with one of the market's best pressure drop performance. That will give you more power for your tools - which is key in order for compressed air to be energy efficient.
Video: eSafe coupling demonstration
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eSafe coupling demonstration

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Safe, airtight compressed air systems

Safe, airtight compressed air systems

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Guide to optimise the effect in compressed air systems

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