Extending the product range of quick connect coupling solutions for the data center industry

CEJN extends the product range with three new quick connect coupling solutions for data center applications. All three are developed as part of the Open Compute Project (OCP) initiative, with CEJN contributing as one of the main developers alongside industry leaders and chassis- and manifold manufacturers.
The data center industry is developing in a rapid speed. With a fast development pace, a more advanced and powerful thermal management system is needed to maintain the required cooling temperatures. To that, quick couplings play an important role.
CEJN is thrilled to announce that three new products, specially designed and developed within the OCP community (Open Compute Project), have extended our already wide product portfolio: OCP LQC, OCP UQDB, and OCP BMQC.
OCP LQC (Large Quick Connector)
The OCP LQC is a non-drip high-flow quick coupling with a screw-to-connect mechanism, designed for data center Coolant Distribution Units (CDU). As most CDUs require users to connect and disconnect cooling lines during operation, the screw-to-connect operation of OCP LQC provides better usability than the push-to-connect type quick connect couplings as this can be done under working pressure up to 5 bar.
Learn more about OCP LQC couplings
OCP UQDB (Universal Quick Disconnect Blind-Mate)
The UQDB is a non-drip quick connect coupling solution, also called quick disconnect coupling, with a blind-mate function. Its compact design and +/- 1 mm misalignment tolerance make it a perfect fit for Direct Liquid Cooling (DLC) applications within the data center segment.
Learn more about OCP UQDB couplings
OCP BMQC (Blind-Mate Quick Connector)
The BMQC obtains the same great features as OCP UQDB, but instead of +/- 1 mm misalignment tolerance, the OCP BMQC has a tolerance of +/- 5 mm radial misalignment and +/- 2,7° angular misalignment.
Learn more about OCP BMQC couplings
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