CEJN building safety brand in Busan

Busan Korea. Next, John Woollett, Product Manager Ultra high-pressure hose assemblies CEJN AB. Roy Eriksson, Division Manager CEJN AB. Kim Jin-Baek, Managing Director CEJN Korea
CEJN AB and CEJN Korea are working together in 2016 to target strategic customers and partners with the aim of strengthening CEJN’s position as a safety-focused company in the Busan area. Although most of the people we meet confirm a slowdown in the marine segment, there is a great interest in safety issues. The impression is that this is a time for improvements and for new cooperation to flourish. Taking a breath and recharging in preparation for the future.
Business climate in South Korea. The industrial landscape of Busan is filled with heavy industrial complexes amidst beautiful leafy mountains. Many of the buildings are brand new, while others are undergoing improvements. The streets are pulsing with energy, columns of trucks on their way to the new harbour in Busan, Busan New Port. As CEJN travels around the area we hear talk of tough times from more or less everyone, but despite all these currents you can still sense a positive flow bubbling under the surface. The Korean people are survivors used to overcoming struggles and in their eyes you see a look of determination. They are looking for new ways of doing things and this manifests in the form of creativity, different forms of cooperation and entrepreneurship.
Kim Jin-Beak, Managing director CEJN Korea shows the new training center in Busan.
CEJN raising safety awareness
Korea, and more precisely the Busan area, is a strategically important region for CEJN due to the multitude of industries built up around the shipping and offshore market. This is why CEJN is putting a lot of effort into raising awareness of safety, as the use of Ultra high-pressure hydraulic quick connect couplings and hose assemblies is common. One element of this increased safety awareness involves more in-depth cooperation with strategic partners in the area. Another is to offer safety training targeting end-users, who are often exposed to dangers without knowing it.