ultraFLOW now available in Stainless Steel

ultraFLOW now available in Stainless Steel

ultraFLOW quick couplings are the ideal choice for liquid cooling of electronics. It has an extremely low pressure drop that will help to increase the overall energy efficiency.

ultraFLOW offers all the properties that are important for liquid cooling of electronics: compact outer dimensions, flat-face design with no spill on connection or disconnection, high flow capacity and low pressure drop.

It is available in hard-anodized aluminum and now also in stainless steel. The stainless steel version has the same good characteristics but is more suitable for deionized water and other aggressive fluids. Stainless steel also makes it more suitable for use in corrosive environments.

Other materials and variants are also available on request. Contact your local sales representative with inquiries.

ultraFLOW quick couplings


ultraFLOW - Quick Couplings for Liquid Cooling of Electronics
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ultraFLOW - Quick Couplings for Liquid Cooling of Electronics

Quick Connect Couplings:
A Critical Component in Liquid Thermal Management Solutions


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