CEJN Product Selector available on cejn.com

Have you tried the new Product Selector on cejn.com? With new filters and product categories, you are able to browse and compare products based on your technical requirements.

New mega menu

From the menu, you can access product categories and subcategories. All products can be reached within 3 clicks.


Product filters

Choose a subcategory and you are presented with relevant filters to narrow your search in that category.


Matching products

Clicking the product card will take you to the product overview, but there is also the option to click on the "matching products" button to go directly to the filtered product variants.


Article list

Your filters follow into the product page and that is where you will find the list of articles and variations matching your filters to download drawings, see article details and more. You can also change filters as you like.



Go ahead! Start exploring!

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