Norma Internacional ISO 4.414-9.6
Pneumatic Fluid Power-General Rules Relating to Systems
Released by: International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Paragraph 9.6: Quick-Action Couplings
Quick-action (quick-release) couplings shall be selected so that when they are coupled or uncoupled:
• The coupling shall not be forced apart in a hazardous manner;
• Compressed air or particles shall not be expelled in a hazardous manner;
• A controlled pressure-release system shall be provided where a hazard may exist.
In Other Words
The function of quick action couplings should be easy and intuitive for the operator. The discharge of air should be maintained under control during disconnection of the quick action coupling and nipple. Vented style or safety couplings should be used in certain applications.
Compliance of CEJN Pneumatic Safety Couplings
CEJN pneumatic eSafe and safety couplings fully comply with the above requirements, without being cumbersome to handle or reducing performance.