Norma międzynarodowa ISO 4414 - 4.2

Pneumatic Fluid Power-General Rules Relating to Systems 

Released by: International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

Paragraph 4.2:  Hazards
When agreed between purchaser and supplier, an assessment of the hazards listed in Annex B shall be performed. This assessment may include the influence of the pneumatic fluid power system with other parts of the machine, system or environment. Standards listed in Annex B may be used in this assessment. So far as is practical, the hazards identified shall be eliminated by design and, where this is not practicable, the design shall incorporate safeguards against such hazards.

In Other Words
Hazards to a pneumatic fluid power system, including those induced by other parts of the machine, system, or environment, should be eliminated.

Compliance of CEJN Pneumatic Safety Products
CEJN pneumatic safety couplings eSafe
 fully comply with the above requirements by offering a controlled pressure-release system.

CEJN's Series 208 blowgun with a Star-Tip complies by reducing noise levels down to 85 dB(A) or less, and diverts air when dead-ended, preventing pressures exceeding 30 PSI (2 bar).

CEJN's Series 208 blowgun with a regulator and Series 210 blowgun with adjustable jet nozzle and with start-tip nozzle complies by reducing output pressure to a safe level, 30 PSI (2 bar), when dead-ended.  

Annex B
Table B.1
Possible Hazards Associated with the Use of Pneumatic Power in a Machine

List of Hazards Relevant to Clause 4.2 
Mechanical Hazards
• Shape
• Relative location
• Mass and stability (potential energy of elements)
• Mass and velocity (kinetic energy of elements)
• Inadequacy of the mechanical strength
• Accumulation of potential energy by: 
  - Elastic elements (springs), or
  - Liquids or gases under pressure, or
  - Vacuum
  - Leakage