Richtlinie 2003/10/EC-Lärm

Minimal Health and Safety Requirements Regarding the Exposure of Workers to the Risks Arising from Physical Agents (Noise)

Released by: European Parliament and of the Council on February 6th 2003 and took effect in 2006.

Article 3
Exposure Limit Values and Exposure Action Values 
1.  For the purposes of this Directive, the exposure limit values and exposure action values in 
     respect of the daily noise exposure levels and peak sound pressure are fixed at: 
     (a) exposure limit values: LEX,8h = 87 dB(A) and ppeak = 200 Pa respectively;
     (b) upper exposure action values: LEX,8h = 85 dB(A) and ppeak = 140 Pa respectively;
     (c) lower exposure action values: LEX,8h = 80 dB(A) and ppeak = 112 Pa respectively.

In Other Words
Lower exposure action value is 80 dB(A), and upper exposure action value is 85 dB(A).  Exposure limit value is 87 dB(A).

Compliance of CEJN Series 208 Blowgun
CEJN's Series 208 blowgun with a Star-Tip complies by reducing noise levels down to 85 dB(A) or less.